Yara Launches Two Adapt-N Integration Agreements
Overview of Adapt-N, it's Challenges as Stand-Alone Software, Future Opportunities for Integrations, How the integrations could impact other areas of Yara's business and potential Business Model
This week Yara announced a partnership with Proagrica:
Yara and Proagrica Partner on Adapt-N - Proagrica
Proagrica, a global provider of agronomic and business data solutions across the agricultural supply chain, has today announced an integration of Sirrus with Yara’s model-based nitrogen management tool, Adapt-N. When combined, this solution will achieve an improved level of scalability for a model-based nitrogen management approach.
On top, Yara shared what appeared to be a similar endeavor with EverAg via their Linkedin page:
Yara and EverAg - Yara
I confirmed with EverAg that they have a relationship with Yara surrounding Adapt-N, as well.